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Ball games in Pitztal

Ball games in Pitztal

Football, street soccer, beach volleyball

You don’t want to miss your favourite ball game while you are on holiday? There is plenty of opportunity to indulge in your hobby in Pitztal...

Football grounds in Pitztal

  • Arzl football grounds
    Information & bookings at Jürgen Köll, Phone +43 (0) 650 360 42 33
  • Wenns football grounds, Pitzenhöfe
    Information & bookings at Wenns town hall, Phone +43 (0) 5414 872 14
  • Jerzens football grounds, Schönlarch
    Information & bookings at bei Marc-Philipp Fink, Phone +43(0)664/2233710
  • St Leonhard football grounds, Stillebach
    Information & bookings at St Leonhard town hall, Phone +43 (0) 5413 872 01

Basketball courts & streetsoccer in Pitztal 

  •  Arzl: streetsoccer & basketball courts inside Gruabe Arena
  • Jerzens: at fish pond
  • Wenns: streetsoccer at Pitz Park

Beach volleyball courts in Pitztal

  •  Arzl: Gruabe Arena
  • Wald: sports grounds
  • Wenns: at Pitz Park
  • Jerzens: at fish pond
  • Piller: at sports grounds





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