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ZirbenPark Circular Route

ZirbenPark Circular Route

Höhster Punkt 
0,50 h
Swiss Trac Tour: It is a level road to get to the ticket office at the valley station of Hochzeiger gondola from the car park. From there, take a lift to the gondola access on the first floor. Right next to the lift on the ground floor is a wheelchair-accessible toilet. Entry to the gondola is via a mobile ramp. The gondola can accommodate wheelchairs with a maximum width of 60 cm. The Swiss-Trac can be transported in the same gondola or in the following gondola by accompanying persons. At the top station the gondola staff will again be of assistance to exit the gondola with a mobile ramp. Adjacent to the top station of the gondola you will find the catered mountain hut “Zeigerrestaurant”. It can be accessed across a meadow, which is hard to navigate and then via a ramp with a considerable gradient. There is a wheelchair-accessible toilet in the basement which is, however, not easy to find as it is not incorporated in the signposted area. Please note that during the summer part of the lift is covered by banners and making it hard to spot. The toilet is spacious and offers enough room for turning circles.

Starting at “Zeigerrestaurant” follow the beautifully laid-out 1.5 km long “Zirben” [pine] trail. Please note that there are large sections with a steep incline on loose gravel surface and taking this route is only advisable for experienced Swiss-Trac users. The steeper section passing the “Zirbenzapfen” [pine cone] with a big slide can, however, be bypassed by only taking part of the route. After approx. 2/3 of the trail, you will reach another catered mountain hut, “Tanzlalm”. Unfortunately neither the restaurant nor the ground floor toilets are suitable for wheelchair users. The last third of the trail back to the “Zeigerrestaurant” features a steep uphill section. 







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