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Tobogganing in Pitztal, Austria

Magical winter in Tyrol: sledging, tobogganing, floodlit toboggan run

Sledging and tobogganing is great winter fun for the whole family. With so many different toboggan runs to choose from it will never get boring.

Don’t fancy walking up the mountain? In that case the six kilometre long toboggan run at Hochzeiger is just the thing for you. The Hochzeiger mountain railway gondola takes you up to the intermediate station from where you can fully enjoy the downhill run on your toboggan. Night owls won’t be disappointed here either: once a week this toboggan run is floodlit in the evening.

If you prefer combining tobogganing fun with a winter walk, Pitztal in Tyrol is perfect of that too: our natural toboggan runs are a very special kind of winter adventure.

For families tobogganing and sledging is, of course, a perfect alternative to skiing in Pitztal. Even the tiny tots will marvel at the winter wonderland on a toboggan. Tobogganing with children is so much fun as they playfully get to know and love all things related to winter and snow. 

Laid back or fast and furious – the choice is yours during winter in Pitztal!

Our tip: Night-tobogganing!

Some of the toboggan runs are floodlit in the evenings and can be used late into the night. A tobogganing night followed by a traditional “Einkehrschwung”, a stop at one of the cosy mountain huts for a drink, should not be missed.

Tobogganing in Arzl in Pitztal

Natural toboggan run Arzl
Length: approx. 1,7 km, not illuminated
Location: from Arzl village centre ro Imsterberg

Tobogganing in Wenns in Pitztal

Natural toboggan run Piller
Length: approx. 1.5 km,
Location: from the fishpond at Piller
tobbogan rental: € 2,00 ((Mon + Tue closed ,during christmas and carnival holidays only Monday closed),
illuminated on request, pleasecontact Wilfried Hairer (Piller fishpond)
Tel: +43(0) 676 4308280
Tobogganing evening every Thursday until 10 pm.

Natural toboggan run Gogles Alm
Length: approx. 5 km
You don‘t have to carry the sledge up, it can be rented on the alpine pasture.
More information Leo Spiss: tel. +43 (0) 660 5499084

Tobogganing in Jerzens in Pitztal

Hochzeiger toboggan run
Length: approx. 6 km,
Location:from Hochzeiger middlestation to Kaitanger. Liss The toboggan run is daily open from 9 am till 5 pm.
Every thursday toboggan evening (Only when the toboggan run is inoperation).
Opening hours on thursday 9 am - 5 pm & 7:30 - 12:00 pm

Tobogganing in St Leonhard in Pitztal

Toboggan run at Hairlach/Zaunhof,
Length: approx. 2.5 km, not illuminated

Piösmes/Scheibe toboggan run
Length: approx. 2 km, not illuminated
Location: in the direction of Arzler Alm

Enger toboggan run
Length approx. 1 km, not illuminated

Toboggan run in Plangeroß
Length: approx. 300 m
Location: near the Hotel Sonnblick
Tobogganing evening every Wednesday, from mid-December to mid-March (depending on snow conditions)
More information and registration tel. +43(0 )5413 86204

Toboggan run in Tieflehn
Length: approx. 350 m (Tue- Sun illuminated till 11 pm)
Location: Hexenkessl/Tieflehn
Tobogganing rental
More information tel: +43(0) 5413 20390

Toboggan run near the practice lift in Mandarfen (nighttime tobogganing only) 
Length: approx. 300 m, illuminated
Location: Mandarfen/Practice lift
Tobogganing rental
Weekly possible
Groups on request tel: +43 (0)676-7053750

Toboggan run near the Pitztaler Skihütte:
Length: 1.5 km, illuminated,
Location: Pitztaler Skihütte/ Mandarfen 
Toboggan rental directly at the Pitztaler Skihütte
Toboggan return at the Pitztal Alm in Mandarfen
Tobogganing evenings every
Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
For group bookings also available on alternative day.
For more information, call tel: +43 (0) 5413 86248 or +43 (0) 5413 86365

Toboggan hire

If you were not able to squeeze your toboggan in with your holiday luggage, you can easily and conveniently hire one from any of our sports shops and hire stations.



Natural toboggan run

Parking space at the Naturparkhaus/Junction Fließ (2013m)
Parking space at the Naturparkhaus/Junction Fließ (1512m)

To make sure there is something for everyone, a three metre wide track is prepared by a snowcat, which is very ​suitable for tobogganing and should also make the descent on skis easier. So that you don't have to carry the sledge up, it can be rented on the alpine pasture (check the opening times).
Free toboggan rental  

Natural tobogganing run at Piller

Fishpond Piller (1412m)
Fishpond Piller (1535m)
  • tobogganing hire: € 2,00
  • illumination: on request Wilfried Hairer (fishpond Piller)
  • E-Mail:





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